Monday, September 15, 2008

{ my tal3nt$ }

I have many different talents. One of my talents is that I can burp realy loud and for a realy long time. One time in the middle of the night i was with my brother and we had a burping contest. I burped realy loud an i won the contest so he got mad and called me a man .
One of my other talents is that I can say my abc alphabet backwards ..
One time i was in my house and my little brother and i was saying our abc alphabet backwards and we was seenin who can say it the fastest and he won.

One of my other talents it that I could dance . A lot of people dont know that i can dance cuz I don't show any body . I could dance an i came out in puerto rican day parade fore 2 years street and this is going to be my 3rd year .

one of my other talents it that I could steep . My older sisters taught me how 2 steep an me and my sisters performed in many different things .

One of my other talents is that I could hold my breath fore a long time . One time my family timed me to see how long I could hold my breath and i held my breath for almost 2 minutes .

one of my other talents is that i could run track really fast . I could run track realy fast because when ever i had dance practice they made us run around the track 3 times . the 1st time we had 2 fun . The 2nd time we had 2 jogg, and the 3rd time we had 2 walk .